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Saturday, September 13, 2014

not another teen survey

Originally posted 5-19-08.

I like doing those dumb surveys every little bit, but I’ve often wondered what one might look like if it were made by someone other than a teenager.  I decided to make one myself.  If you’d like a copy to put on your site, just email it to yourself and go from there. :edit: Just copy and paste it, don't know if you can email it since I moved it.

1.  If you had $100,000 and all your bills were paid off, what’s the first thing you would do with it? 

2.  If you could eat anything to your heart’s content with no consequences, what would it be?

3.  Would you rather see the world traveling in an RV or booking flights and car rentals?

4.  Have you ever used so much Chloroseptic throat spray that you suddenly realized your stomach felt numb and you read the label and panicked about overdose?

5.  If you wind up in a nursing home, which would you prefer– rooming with someone who yells incoherently all the time or rooming with someone who poops their bed every day?

6.  Barium enema or chemical stress test?

7.  Do you take your glasses off to see up closer, or to see further away?  Or are you looking for them and they’re on your head?

8.  Ever brushed your teeth with something that wasn’t toothpaste?

9.  Coffee *first*, or are you able to function when you wake up?

10.  List all the surgeries you’ve had so far.

Ok, that’s the end of our survey.  We realize you have many other things to do today.  Thanx for stopping by!